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Me and My Girl

Junior Musical Theatre

Aberdeen Arts Centre

14th-16th June 2018

Poster Me and My Girl.jpg

This traditional love story  tells the tale of Bill Snibson and his journey to fame and fortune. Unfortunately, "he's no toff", and him and his girlfriend Sally struggle to fit in with the new surroundings. Featuring favourites such as 'The Sun Had Got His Hat On', 'Doing the Lambeth Walk' and 'Leaning on a Lamp-Post', this show had the whole audience tapping their toes and humming along.


'Me and My Girl' marked our Junior Musical Theatre group's first performance at Aberdeen Arts Centre. We saw lots of new, younger, members join the group this year, and they all shone like the amazing Shazam stars are once they got on stage in front of an audience.

Production Images

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